Robert's Rules of Order for Meetings: What you can do and when you can do it

Rules of Debate

  •  A motion must be proposed before a matter can be debated.
  • The maker of a motion has the right to speak first in debate.
  • A member must be recognized by the chair before speaking in debate.
  • A member may speak for two times for a maximum of ten minutes on each pending question. No member may speak a second time until all members are given an opportunity to speak once.
  • The requirement that the presiding officer remain impartial precludes his exercising his right to debate while presiding.
  • Debate may be closed by the adoption of the motion Previous Question which requires a two‑thirds vote.
  • Debate is closed and the vote taken when no member rises to claim the floor. The chair may not cut off debate without the permission of the assembly.
  • The rules of debate may be modified by adopting a special rule of order, by changing the limits for a single session (as in a convention), by changing the limits on the pending question only.

Decorum in Debate

  • Remarks must be confined to the merits of the pending question.
  • When speaking in debate, a member must refrain from attacking a member's motives and avoid name calling. The motion, not the member, is the subject of debate.
  • All remarks should be addressed through the chair. Members do not address one another directly.
  • Avoid the use of members' names. Instead say, "the member who made the motion."
  • Do not speak adversely about some prior action of the organization which is not pending.
  • The maker of a motion is not permitted to speak against his own motion.
  • Permission of the assembly is required to read from any paper or book as part of a speech in debate.
  • During debate, during remarks by the presiding officer, during voting, no member should be permitted to disturb the assembly by whispering or any other way.


Ask a question or ask for clarification Rise and say "Point of Information" May interrupt speaker
Correct an error of procedure Rise and say "point of order" May interrupt speaker
Discuss something other than the subject at hand without making a specific proposal Wait until "good and welfare" on agenda, rise, and wait to be recognized  
Discuss something other than the subject at hand and make a specific proposal for action Wait until "new business" on agenda, rise, wait to be recognized, make a motion Motions require a second and majority vote; may be amended and debated
Consider an item at a time other than when called for on the agenda Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to suspend the rules by…" Requires a second and 2/3 vote; no amendments or debate
Request a return to the agenda when discussion is out of order Rise and "call for the orders of the day" May interrupt speaker; no vote required
Limit amount of debate Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move that the debate be limited to…" Requires second and 2/3 vote; may be amended; may limit number of times a member may speak and/or the amount of time to speak
Make an amendment Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to amend by…" Requires a second and majority vote; amendment may be amended once and may be debated
Postpone discussion of a topic Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to postpone to…" Requires second and majority vote; may be amended and debated
Have a committee research further information before continuing discussion Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to refer to [specify] committee" Requires second and majority vote; may be amended and debated
Break a motion into several motions to be considered separately Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to divide the motion by…" Requires a second and majority vote; no amendments or debate
Group several motions to be considered together as one Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move to consider the motion by paragraph/seriatim…" Requires a second and majority vote; no amendments or debate
End debate Rise, wait to be recognized, and "move the previous question" Second and 2/3 vote required; may not be debated or amended