REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 1:30 PM

Via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 1:34 PM.

Roll Call

Officers present: Hawley, Fuller, Apana, Aron, Corey, Kostic, Proctor, Williams. 17 members present (a quorum).


MMC to approve minutes of October 29, 2024 meeting.


Secretary-Treasurer Apana reported on membership rolls and bank balances and age statistics of members.

President Hawley reported on building the membership and ongoing BAA negotiations.

Apana reported that the Bylaw Committee reports favorably on the proposed Bylaw amendments.

New Business

Hawley called for nominations for Director to complete the term of resigned Director Reskin. Apana nominated Richard Bravo. There being no other nominations, Bravo was declared elected by acclamation.

Apana presented the proposed bylaw amendments. Hawley, Williams, and Reskin spoke in support; the motion to amend the bylaws carried.

Good and Welfare

Member Maxwell asked about the status of the Local 655 podcast, to which Director Corey gave an update. Director Williams asked for member assistance on his venue database project; Apana noted that he could put a notice in the newsletter. Hawley noted that we need to recruit younger members.




The meeting was adjourned at 2:03 PM.