MEETING, Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 12 PM
Local 655 Office, Fort
Lauderdale FL
Meeting called to order at 12:10 PM.
Roll Call
present: Reskin, van Eck, Apana, Bravo, Corey, Folse, Kleiman. 12 members
The meeting was recessed until a quorum is
obtained, during which time President Reskin and Secretaty-Treasurer
Apana gave reports and members held discussions about making the press
aware of our activities; promoting the Local and educating musicians on
its role; promoting the use of live orchestra for Nutcracker; speaking
to students about the role of the union; speaking to musicians one on
one about the union; the upcoming stater and federal elections;
ArtsLaunch at the Arsht Center and whether the Local should participate
in the future.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 PM due to lack of a quorum.