General Membership Meeting, 22 September 2001 at 1:30PM

Meeting called to order at 1:48PM . 25 members (a quorum), including President Graves, VP Fox, Secretary-Treasurer Apana, and Board members Ballard, Barnes, and Scafati in attendance.

MSC to dispense with reading of minutes and reports.

New Business: Wage Scale Proposal. Motion to change effective date for year 1 to 1/1/02 ; motion failed. MSC to change effective date of year 1 to 9/22 and remove expiration dates. MSC to approve page 1 of proposal as amended. The quorum was lost, and discussion continued. Discussion of leaving tri-county mileage at $15 for year 1 and changing to $16 in year 2; all members present approved of leaving year 1 at $15, rising to $17 in year 2. All members present approved of increasing steel drum cartage to $10 for 1st drum but leaving cartage at $5 for each additional drum. All members present approved of renaming “Latin or Ethnic” percussion double to “Hand Drumming (Latin or Ethnic)” and adding a percussion double, “Steel Drum/pan.” All members present approved removing all references to “rounded” or “rounded to the nearest dollar amount” in the wage scale proposal. All members present approved of increasing the playing time for non-continuous engagements to 45 minutes per hour, with a 15 minute break per hour. All members present approved of changing year 2 Symphonic 3-hour rate to $118. All members present approved of removing reference to premiums for “reading from more than one part” until clearer language could be formulated. All members present approved of the wage scale proposal as presented, with the amendments as stated above. Discussion ended at 3:22PM.