GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Wednesday, 1 February, 2001 at 12:00pm

Hollywood Playhouse, Hollywood FL

Meeting called to order at 12:50. 25 members (a quorum), including officers Graves, Fox, Apana, Bahler, and Barnes were present.

Treasurer's Report: Apana stated that the Local spent beyond its means in 2000, due to the FPO negotiations and strike. The Board just approved a balanced budget which will include the building of cash reserves (with a goal of $50000 by 2005) and a negotiation fund ($45,000 by 2005). This money will come from setting income aside, as well as cutting back on the Local's expenses.

VP Report Fox said that the Local more than met its recording contract goal of one million dollars and that final figures will be available in March.

President's Report Graves discussed ongoing arbitrations within the Florida Philharmonic. The FPO contract wording is being finalized. He also gave an update about the SFX strike, which has been going on since last November. Actor's Equity may support the AFM's efforts, which could have the effect of pulling the actors and dancers off the stage. The President of SFX is scheduled to meet with Graves next week.

Bylaw Committee Report presented by Apana.

MSC to move discussion of Life Insurance Resolution to end of agenda.
Resolutions from 11/15/00 Meeting:
MSC (unanimous) to approve resolutions 2, 8, and 10.
New Resolutions:
MSC (unanimous) to approve resolutions 2 and 3.
Discussion on the Life Insurance Benefit amendment. The quorum was lost at 1:34, at which time discussion continued but no motions were made.