Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 18-11, 12 December 2018, at Local 655 Office

Meeting called to order at 1:16 PM. Present: Reskin, van Eck, Apana, Aron, Folse, Fuller; Bravo, Corey, Kleiman absent.

MMC to approve minutes of October 31, 2018 meeting and September 12, 2018 membership meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on receipt of Bocelli recording payments and year-to-year increases in revenue and membership rolls.

VP Report: van Eck reported on SOA conductor search and speaking to musicians about issues at SOA.

President's Report: no report.

Committee Reports: none.

Special Orders: MMC to schedule meeting for January 7, 2019 at 12 noon. MMC (moved by Apana) to approve 2019 operating budget.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: MMC (moved by Aron) to adopt proposed wage scale increases.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of upcoming membership drive, more effective use of meeting time. Folse departed at 1:41 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.