Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 18-10, 31 October 2018, at Local 655 Office
Meeting called to order at 10:52 AM. Present: Reskin, van Eck, Apana, Corey, Fuller; Aron, Folse, Kleiman absent.
MMC to approve minutes of September 12, 2018 meeting. Bravo arrived at 10:55 AM.
Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report,
membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on
communications from Salmasian re BAA hiring list; MPTF re funding
levels and allocation; AFM re membership drive approval; musician re
MISO recording session. Apana reported on meeting with former 802
recording rep Steve who has retired to Florida; on suspended members to
be expelled on December 1; and on draft of 2019 budget.
Report: Van eck reported on researching orchestra for Master Chorale.
President's Report: Reskin reported on visiting BAA musicians; meeting with SOA committee; attending AFL-CIO meeting.
Committee Reports: none.
Special Orders: none.
Unfinished Business: none.
New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to find Rauch, Fields, and Alara
(Local 47 members) guilty of failure to pay work dues for Barbra
Streisand location recording.
Good and Welfare: Discussion of orchestras hired to accompany
Master Chorale. Discussion of future replacement of office printer.
Discussion of carrying instruments through TSA checkpoints and on
airlines; Apana to write future newsletter article advising musicians.