Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 13-10, November 27, 2013 at 10 AM, at Artserve

Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM. Present: Clippard, Apana, Bermann, Holstein, Kerley, Stanley; Corcillo absent.

MMC to approve minutes of October 11, 2013 meeting.

Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on draft of 1014 budget; answered questions regarding bad debt, legal, and phone expenses.

Van Eck and Kolcz arrived at 10:12 AM.

VP Report: none.

President's Report: Clippard reported on speaking to MISO musicians regarding unpaid wages; FGO lawsuit hearing; SFS musicians being paid past due wages; and that the signed BAA CBA is imminent.

Committee Reports: none.

Special Orders: MMC to schedule Executive Board Meeting for January 15, 2014 at 11 am.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: MMC (moved by Clippard) to appoint Carey Kleiman as an AFLCIO delegate. MMC (moved by Bermann) to have Van Eck research FGO radio broadcasts to determine the performance dates in order to determine if contracts have been violated. MMC (moved by Kerley) to stage protests at the next SFS concerts should wages from 2010 performances remain delinquent. MMC (moved by Kerley) to have Clippard collect wage theft claim forms from MISO musicians and to distribute wage theft claim information at MISO rehearsals and/or performances.

Good and Welfare: Discussion of recent C Turley engagement, including wages paid and the hiring of Lynn students. Discussion of Paul Frank visit and crafting a plan of action. Stanley departed at 12:00 PM. Continued discussion. Holstein and Van Eck departed at 12:07 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.