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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 10-1, January 28, 2010 at 11 AM at Artserve Meeting called to order at AM. Present: Clippard, Holstein, Apana, Kerley, Kolcz, Salmasian, Turner, van Eck; Absent: Corcillo. MMC to approve minutes of December 2009 meeting. Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on correspondence from the AFM regarding the AFM website; PBO musician regarding letter from OC soliciting donations. President's Report: Clippard reported on meeting with Brooks/SOA. Holstein noted a point of order that one must be recognized before speaking. Report of Committees: none Special Orders: MMC to schedule next meeting for 2/16/10 at 11 AM. Unfinished Business: none New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Apana and Whitney to Bylaw Committee. MMC (moved by Kerley) to appoint Kerley to Symphonic Committee. MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint Turner to Recording Committee. MMC (moved by Holstein) to direct Apana to forward a list of past committee members to the Board. MMC (moved by Holstein) to appoint Holstein to Casual Committee. MMC (moved by Salmasian) to appoint Salmasian to Bylaw Committee. MMC (moved by Kolcz) to appoint Kolcz to Theater Committee. MMC (moved by van Eck) to appoint van Eck to Symphonic Committee. MMC (moved by van Eck) to send letter of thanks to previous Executive Board members. MMC (moved by Clippard) to withdraw parts of proposed Bylaw amendments (see attached substitute). Kerley departed at 12:52 PM. MMC (moved by Clippard) to direct North to compile list of vendors who hire musicians, actively solicit promo from members, compile a directory of promo, and distribute to vendors. Good and Welfare: Clippard noted that she has solicited input from Durham regarding visits to educational institutions and meeting with deans to discuss MENC code of ethics; Kolcz noted that we should contact MENC for assistance. Turner noted potential way to save on postage (he will research further). Clippard noted her discussions with Orlando Local regarding their referral program. MMC (moved by Clippard) to issue membership meeting reminders 10-12 days before meetings. MMC (moved by Clippard) to host networking night 3/15 at Bimini Boatyard. Clippard noted that she will compile an updated list of member benefits. Van Eck requested information on the Ray Charles/Delray Incident of 1998. Van Eck noted issues musicians have had with the SOA substitute policy. Salmasian requested information regarding the Broadway Across America Color Purple production. The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 PM
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |