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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 06-4, 13 April 2006 at 10:00 am Meeting called to order at 10:18 am. Present: Roitstein, Warner, Apana, Ballard, Chandler, Emery, Parente; Satterwhite excused. MMC to approve minutes of March 2006 meeting. Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on correspondence from Clarion regarding instrument insurance. Glansdorp arrived at 10:22. Secretary-Treasurer's Report continued: Apana reported on correspondence from J Martyn and recommended to waive late fee (MMC); IEB regarding resignation of Jones and election of Ducker to IEB; and a member regarding club and booking agent policies. Apana reported on annual audit, requests for newsletter articles, and cataloguing members' CD's. President's Report: presentation of written report. Roitstein reported on growth plans, search for office space, and attendance at AFTRA event. Discussion of agent/club issues and recruitment; Roitstein recommended having committees review what the Local can do to represent members to agents and clubs (MMC); Roitstein recommended having committees review what the Local can do to assist members in marketing/obtaining gigs/networking (MMC). Symphonic Rep Report: presentation of written report. Apana and Ballard reported on review of potential NWS violation; PBO appointment of Executive Director; agreement with FGO regarding conductor audition videotape; and working with PBO committee to have Board members attend PBO negotiations as observers. MPF Administrator Report: Chandler reported on allocation spent by category; Jazz Appreciation Month project. Discussion of future use of funds, including focus on school programs to promote the arts and arts education. Report of Committees:
Special Orders: MMC to schedule meeting date of May 11 at 10 am. New Business: MMC to select Celia Marcano as logo contest winner. Emery and Parente departed at 2:35 pm. Verification of poll: MMC to send representative to AFM Symphonic Symposium. MMC (moved by Satterwhite) to create standing Theater Committee. Discussion of new PTG contract, including administration of principal pay pool. Ballard departed at 2:50 pm. MMC (moved by Satterwhite) to allocate PTG principal pay pool for Chicago as follows: 15% to concertmaster, 15% to trumpet, and 10% to trombone. MMC (moved by Apana) to request Theater Committee draft written policy for future distribution of principal pay pool. Good and Welfare: none. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |