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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 05-12, 14 December 2005 at 10:00 am Meeting called to order at 10:17 am. Present: Walker, Apana, Ballard, Chandler, Emery, Luger; Levin excused. Also present: Directors-elect Glansdorp and Satterwhite. MMC to approve minutes of November 2005 meeting. Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on creation of a referral database, creation of newsletter in e-mail format, and Local finances. Warner arrived at 10:23 am. President's Report: Walker reported that FGO ticket sales have been very good. Roitstein arrived at 10:38 am. Electronic Media Rep Report: Roitstein reported that his written report is forthcoming. He reported on attendance at the RMA conference and about developing a strategy for the future of the Local and encouraged the Board to think about what needs to be done. Symphonic Rep Report: presentation of written report. Apana and Ballard reported on PBP. MPF Administrator Report: Chandler reported on problems with Calle/MDC project. Report of Committees:
Special Orders: MMC to schedule next meeting for January 19 at 10:00 am. MMC (moved by Apana) to adopt 2006 budget. Unfinished Business: MMC to grant Grossman New Year's Eve variance, subject to contract being filed in advance. Warner departs at 12:06 pm. New Business: MMC (moved by Roitstein) to grant reinstatement fee waivers to M Pina, M and T Bonelli, and L Blair. Good and Welfare: Chandler noted that Sarah Salz may need assistance with Pension Fund issues. Roitstein noted that committees need to be more involved. The meeting adjourned at 1:01 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |