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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 05-10, 20 October 2005 at 10:00 am Meeting called to order at 10:20 am. Present: Walker, Roitstein, Apana, Ballard, Chandler, Emery, Levin, Luger. Warner arrived at 10:22 am. Guest Jackie De Los Santos reported to the Board and answered questions regarding the RCO. Discussion of the RCO payroll delinquencies, including suggestions to inform the venues where the RCO is scheduled to perform, to keep the RCO musicians informed, and to get a legal opinion on how to proceed. Guest Jennifer Potochnic (PBO ROPA delegate) reported on her attendance at the ROPA conference, including that ROPA President Zmich has expressed interest in helping the Florida Locals and 655 in particular; that ROPA has formed an ethics committee to deal with issues such as the Cleveland Orchestra residency and other touring issues, and that Potochnic has been appointed to the committee; that it is important for the Florida locals to work together; that problems include organizing and working together; and that the most important duty is to educate members, as activists are created and not born and that education is an investment in the Local's future. MMC to approve minutes of September and October (Special Meeting) 2005 meeting as corrected. Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on communications received from the AFM-EPF regarding electronic reporting requirements, Local 389 regarding organizing Menopause the Musical, P Parente regarding late fees, A Grossman regarding New Year's Eve scales, and a member concerned about musicians being brought into the Local's jurisdiction to perform the Pavarotti concert. Apana reported on updating the Recording Contract Database to be able to upload to the national AFM database; workshop attended regarding the Broward Cultural Arts shared calendar database. Apana presented budget reports in conformity with new DOL reporting requirements. President's Report: Walker reported on private booking agency revenue of $155,000 for July to October 2005; that much club-date work is being done but that most of those doing the work have little reason to be union members; and that R Suarez called regarding his reinstatement, which was incorrectly processed. Electronic Media Rep Report: presentation of written report. Roitstein reported on the PBP recording. MMC (moved by Luger) to request that the IEB consider and respond to M Lewis' concerns prior to taking action on his delinquent SPF assessment. MMC (moved by Luger) to express support to the PBP trumpet section for their solidarity in declining to perform PBP recording session. Ballard details on the symphonic concerns mentioned in Roitstein's report, to which Roitstein noted G Hale's concerns regarding the FGO grievance and that Roitstein intends to be personally involved. Discussion of the FPO/FGO grievance. Symphonic Rep Report: presentation of written report. Apana and Ballard reported on meeting with personnel managers for PBO, CRPC, and BRPS. MPF Administrator Report: Chandler reported that $14,000 of the allocation has been used and that another $7000 has been set aside for pending projects. She noted that our allocation is based on our membership rolls and that the recent Opera in the the Palm Beach Schools concerts reached 4500 children. Roitstein noted that MPF PR could be used to promote the Local. MMC (moved by Roitstein) to give the MPF administrator discretion over project approval. Report of Committees:
Special Orders: MMC to schedule next meeting for November 29 at 10:00 am. MMC (moved by Apana) to table further Master Plan amendments. MMC (moved by Roitstein) to continue employing Apana and Ballard in the Symphonic Rep position until the Symphonic Committee presents a recommendation on the position. New Business: MMC (moved by Walker) to appoint F Wickstrom to the election committee. MMC (moved by Apana) to reduce Parente late fee to $5. MMC (moved by Apana) to increase meeting budget by $1700 to cover upcoming recording negotiations. Discussion of Grossman request to reduce New Year's Eve scale premium. Good and Welfare: none. The meeting adjourned at 4.05 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |