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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 05-4, 15 April 2005 at 11:00 am
Meeting called to order at 11:58 am. Present: Walker, Roitstein, Apana, Ballard, Raimondi; absent: Harp; excused: Levin, Warner. MMC to approve minutes of March 2005 meeting.
Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Receipt of correspondence from AFM. Apana reported on website traffic, quarterly financial review, assistance and guideance proviced to PBO and SWFS committees.
Vice President's Report: presentation of written report. Roitstein reported on the formation of an EMSD oversight committee, noncompliance with the NWS fence agreement, formation of a nonsignatory TV company by the Estefans, and unfair Canadian recording competition.
President's Report: presentation of written report. Walker reported on meetings with PTG and PBO committees.
Report of Committees:
Symphony/Organizing: no report
Recording: no report
Casual: no report
Education: no report
PR: no report
Scale: no report
Bylaw: Apana reported on proposed amendments to the Bylaws.
Health: no report
Special Orders: MMC to schedule next Board meeting for May 6 after the membership meeting.
Unfinished Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to create a "spend a day at the Local" program where members spend one day training and then earn annual dues credits for additional days spent assisting officers and staff at the Local, up to a year's credit for 20 hours of assistance.
New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) that official business needing to be resolved prior to the next meeting shall be done via email with the the subject line prefaced by "POLL" and that all officers shall respond to such polls in a timely fashion. MMC (moved by Raimondi) to appoint C Bergeron and M Corey to PTG negotiating committee. Motion by Raimondi to create Theater Committee; MMC to postpone until next meeting and to direct Raimondi to solicit input on what the goals and objectives of such a committee would be. Raimondi departed at 2:10. MMC (moved by Ballard) to waive E Calle work dues for Latin Grammy arranging due to the Local's misrepresentation of member Calle at said engagement (Walker abstained).
Good and Welfare: none.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer