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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 04-12, 10 December 2004 at 10:00 am
Meeting called to order at 10:38 am. Present: Walker, Roitstein, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Levin, Luger, Raimondi, Warner. MMC to approve minutes of November 2004 meeting as corrected.
Secretary-Treasurer's Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on an upcoming grant-writing workshop; creation of PDF versions of the LS1 contract with rider and membership directory; creation of new web discussion boards; monthly Local 655 email newsletter; conversations with M Pina regarding newsletter and website design; and meetings to define the image we wish to convey and to rewrite the orientation script and literature to reflect this.
Vice President's Report: presentation of written report. Roitstein reported on a partnership with MDC to "brand" Local 655 and create a unified image; compliance project now covers 84 albums; conference calls with AFM EMSD; rejection of the Limited Pressing Agreement by the AFM; invitation to Officer Training; Contract Creator development status; securing position on panels at Winter Music Conference; and requests for more information on new use reports from the AFM. Harp departed at 11:47am.
President's Report: Walker reported on receipt and review of rejection of FPO bankruptcy claims; Miami Philharmonic concert at Deering Estate; meeting with J Galassi; 21 bookings at Jazziz; and receipt of compliments from T Lee on his most recent newsletter article.
Report of Committees:
Symphony/Organizing: reported on joint meetings and meetings with J Galassi and L Brownell
Recording: reported on the status of formation of an RMA chapter
Casual: no report
Education: no report
PR: no report
Scale: no report
Bylaw: no report
Health: no report
Special Orders: MMC to schedule next Board meeting for January 14 at 10:30 am. MMC (moved by Raimondi) to appoint D Satterwhite to scale committee. MMC (moved by Apana) to approve 2005 budget.
Unfinished Business: Walker reported on the status of the FGO grievance. MMC (moved by Roitstein) to do preliminary forensic analysis of CD to determine original source, and to request information from AFM on case history of similar grievances.
New Business: MMC (moved by Apana) to grant A Grossman request for reduction to 150% of New Years Eve premium for 2004 Salute to Vienna concert, on the condition that he not be granted a reduction to less than 200% in the future. MMC (moved by Apana) to increase D Chandler wages by $.50 per hour. MMC (moved by Apana) to appoint N Bonsanti, D Datterwhite, and T Raimondi to SFX negotiating committee. Raimondi and Ballard departed at 1:33pm. MMC (moved by Walker) to call Special Executive Board Meeting for December 20 at 7pm.
Good and Welfare: Discussion of restricted areas of website. Discussion of joint projects with NARAS. Discussion of Carbonell Awards. Discussion of potential recording of New Philharmonic concerts and broadcast of Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia concert.
The meeting adjourned at 1:47 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer