Special Executive Board Meeting, 5 June 2003 at  12:00 noon

Meeting called to order at 12:18pm. Present: Apana, Ballard, Harp, Luger, Raimondi, Roitstein. Absent: Graves (due to personal emergency), Jefferson. Fox arrives at 12:28pm.

Special Order of Business: Discussion of restructuring and Local 655 finances. Apana suggests increasing CBA work dues by .25%. Fox suggests holding a fund raiser. MSC (moved by Apana) to recommend amending the Bylaws by deleting Article V Section 4 (Casual Work Dues Credits). Discussion of adopting President Graves' proposed Option 4 by recommending amendments to the Bylaws as follows:

Discussion of recommending striking business representative language from the Bylaws. Raimondi departs at 1:16 and Fox departs at 1:20.

Fox returns at 1:37pm.

Due to President Graves' absence, it was decided to make these recommendations pending receipt of additional information and an advisory opinion from Graves.

 The meeting adjourned at 1:57pm.


Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer