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Regular Executive Board Meeting Number 03-5, 12 May 2003 at 12:00 pm Meeting called to order at 12:58 pm. Present: Graves, Fox, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Jefferson, Luger, Raimondi, Roitstein. MSC to approve minutes of April 2003 meeting. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, and new members. Apana reported on 58 suspended members who will be expelled at the end of the month, and the effect of FPO bankruptcy on Local finances with recommendations for cutting expenses and increasing revenue. MSC (by Ballard) to authorize titled officers to find alternative office space at the expiration of the current lease, at a maximum of $1200/month rent. MSC (by Jefferson) to not send a delegate to 2003 FL-GA Conference and reduce budget accordingly. Correspondence received regarding various seminars being offered, and from MPTF, H Hedges, M Harvey, Jacksonville military band. MSC (by Ballard) to send copies of SFM and IM to Hedges. MSC (by Roitstein) to reinstate Harvey with a payment plan. VP Report: presentation of written report. Fox reported that $195,000 in wages was filed on recording contracts in the past month, for YTD totals of $376,000. Fox reported on ongoing recording projects of Ricky Martin, Julio Iglesias, Cheyenne. 655 members sidelined in Stuck on You, members are receiving new use for Shakira Pepsi commercials, DiBlasio sessions have finally been paid, and Chasing Poppy payment problems are being addressed. Fox has made inquiries into alternative office space, and will be visiting producers to recruit them as members when time permits. President’s Report: Graves reported that followup letters have been sent regarding the FPO/FGO dispute. BPO bankruptcy issues are still pending and a settlement may be reached by the end of the year. PBO negotiation preparations continue; financials have been received, and the committee has met with Chris Durham; negotiations are being scheduled for June 9-13. Grossman has been contacted regarding PBP but no response has been received. MCS engagement reports and dues for February concert should be corrected and filed within the week. Graves has had two meetings with David Arisco of Actors Playhouse regarding union contracts. Graves is now president of Southern Conference due to resignation of Randy Ford; Conference is proposing to cover expenses incurred by Locals in hosting annual conference. Graves suggested stretching MPTF dollars by increasing cofunding percentages. Discussion of FPO bankruptcy issues. Jefferson departs at 2:01 and Raimondi departs at 2:05. The Board recessed at 2:05 and resumed at 2:11. Report of Committees:
Unfinished Business and General Orders: MSC to schedule next Board meeting for June 2 at 10:30 am. Discussion of legal retainer and meeting with Matt Mierzwa. Verification of poll: MSC (by Fox) to grant variance to Mike Lewis to allow a 3-hour break between end of rehearsal and start of engagement on May 9 engagement (Harp against). New Business: Discussion of AFM convention issues. Motion by Ballard to rescind approval of Leibowitz FPO reopener expense; discussion; MSC (by Apana) to table until next meeting so that a log of hours billed can be obtained. Good and Welfare: none Meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |