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Local 655 Executive Board Regular Meeting Number 03-3, 10 March 2003 at 1:00 pm Meeting called to order at 2:05 pm. Present: Graves, Fox, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Jefferson, Luger, Raimondi, Roitstein. MSC to approve minutes and new members. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data. Apana reports on suspensions, opening of mutual fund account, and sharing of recording contract database with AFM. VP Report: presentation of written report. Fox notes that contract cleanup is going well. C Calello is joining the Local. Hayward/Domingo sessions have finally been paid. D Gabriel will be coming into town to meet with commercial producers and Latin labels. President’s Report: Graves reports on FPO contract reopener meeting scheduled for March 14, meeting with PBP musicians. GPBS musicians have approved creation of an artist review tape and concert will be under union contract. Graves notes that an organizing letter has not yet been sent to PBP. Meeting dates are being set and surveys are being prepared in advance of upcoming PBO negotiations. Graves reports on participation in recent AFLCIO meeting. Report of Committees: Apana will be meeting with Blue Cross representative regarding health insurance plans. Fox reports that a Latin Billboard table will cost $3500 and NARAS might be interested in sharing costs. Correspondence: Receipt of correspondence from Greenbaum, I Naruns, M Cole, Local 369. MSC (moved by Graves) to give officers authority to waive late fees of up to $5 when requested by members due to extenuating circumstances. MSC (moved by Apana to waive M Cole outstanding dues. MSC (moved by Graves) to place $125 ad in AFM Convention program. Business: MSC to schedule next Executive Board meeting for April 14 at 1 pm. Roitstein notes that courtesy calls to ad agencies has paid off and resulted in the filing of union contracts; he will pursue AFTRA cooperation in furthering this. Discussion of legal retainer expenses. Ballard departs at 3:17. Continued discussion of legal retainer expenses and possible cost-cutting to offset increased fees; Raimondi suggests FPO straw poll to see if members are willing to pay a portion of strike fund expense to offset legal fees; Raimondi asks if ICSOM delegate expenses can be eliminated to offset legal fees; Apana notes that we are required to pay delegate expenses. Discussion of FPO contract reopener. MSC (moved by Apana) to waive L Rivera 2003 annual dues in exchange for translation services. MSC (moved by Apana) to send Apana to PUP seminar at a cost of $40. MSC (moved by Fox) to waive reinstatement fee for A Oliva due to his work in recruiting members and increasing recording contracts filed (Jefferson and Luger abstained). Meeting adjourned at 3:51 pm.
Jeffrey Apana, Secretary-Treasurer |