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Executive Board Meeting Number 03-2, 7 February 2003 at 11:00 am
Meeting called to order at 11:08 am. Present: Graves, Fox, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Jefferson, Luger, Raimondi, Roitstein.
MSC to approve minutes and new members.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data. Report on Annual Dues paid and outstanding and membership rolls.
VP Report: presentation of written report. $1.2 million in wages on recording contracts for 2002. New phono session rates have been distributed to recording musicians. Fox has visited studios and is currently cleaning up late payments by Universal Latin. Other organizations contacted are not interested in sharing a booth at Miami Music Authority, but further research will be done. Estefan Enterprises is beginning involvement in film scoring and commercials. Fox was contacted regarding musicians to sideline in American Idol "Justin to Kelly" production and noted that members need to be encouraged to submit promo packs for hosting on the Local 655 website to facilitate directors finding musicians for sidelining. Extended discussion of Michael Rose WXEL taping and CD release; Fox will research further and talk to musicians involved in the recording. It was suggested that the Local better educate members on the dangers of recording without an AFM agreement.
President’s Report: an FPO grievance has arisen regarding misuse of FGO archival recordings; FPO recently conducted cello auditions and a potential tour is being reviewed. PBO recently held viola auditions and preparation has begun for the upcoming CBA negotiations. A meeting with PBP musicians has been tentatively set for March 7. MCS will present its first concert of the season next week. Miami Jazz Festival has defaulted on a contract with Shirley Horn and claims are being pursued. The meeting recessed for five minutes and resumed at 12:40.
Discussion of Horn claim. Discussion of Trial procedures. Discussion of using dual nonprofit/for-profit corporations in community orchestras.
Report of Committees: Casual committee met on February 5 to discuss hosting an Instrument Swap; swap would raise money for Local, as well as public awareness of Local; potential dates TBD in August or September; swap may be eligible for AFM co-funding. Health Care committee reported that underwriters are unwilling to offer insurance to membership organizations (as opposed to employees).
Correspondence: Receipt of communications from A Fishbein and F Sisk; MSC (moved by Apana) to waive Fishbein reinstatement fee; MSC (moved by Graves) to waive Sisk late fee.
Business: MSC to schedule next Executive Board meeting for March 10 at 1:00 pm. Discussion of procedures for Grossman trial. Discussion of holding vision retreat; MSC (moved by Apana) to hold vision retreat in May (date TBA). Discussion of increase in Leibowitz retainer fees. Fox departs at 1:28. Jefferson departs at 1:32. Continued discussion of Leibowitz retainer; MSC (moved by Harp) to investigate options; Apana noted that the Board needs to authorize additional funds in the budget before additional retainer fees can be spent; Roitstein requests that Apana prepare a report of the Local's average annual legal expenses; Apana will also prepare recommendations to amend the budget should the Board authorize additional retainer expenses. MSC (moved by Apana) to amend the budget as follows: increase misc. meeting expense $500, organizing expense $500; decrease reserves allocation $3000.
Meeting adjourned at 2:03 pm.