Executive Board Meeting Number 03-1, 9 January 2003 at 12:00 noon

Meeting called to order at 12:08pm. Present: Graves, Fox, Apana, Harp, Jefferson, Raimondi, Roitstein; absent: Luger; excused due to personal emergency: Ballard. Also present: Tom Cavendish of GCO.

MSC (moved by Graves) to Suspend the Rules to discuss GCO issues. Cavendish made a request for archival recording of upcoming productions of Tosca and Fledermaus. Discussion of use of student musicians and suggestions of ways to alleviate problems caused by use of students to supplement orchestra. Cavendish was thanked and excused. MSC (moved by Graves) to grant GCO archival recording request.  The agenda was resumed at 12:31pm.

MSC to approve minutes and new members.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data. Apana reported on membership rolls, membership drive statistics, computer and software upgrades, TEMPO contributions received, and website Events Calendar.

VP Report: presentation of written report. Fox reported that wages on recording contract for 2002 have reached $1.1 million, exceeding 2001 totals. Ongoing sessions include Julio, and Ricky Martin (including an English demo).

President’s Report: discussion of use and expiration of vacation time. Graves reported that the FPO brass quintet grievance has been resolved, MCB will use live orchestra for one upcoming production, PBO audition problems arising from an absence of a music director are being addressed, KWS use of union musicians at below union scale has been sent to SSD for further investigation, and BE has been contacted regarding providing parking for musicians. Discussion of potential health insurance plans.

Report of Committees: none.

Correspondence: Receipt of correspondence from D Chappell, A Chargois, B Wethey, L Lacross. MSC (moved by Roitstein) to reduce Chappell Annual Dues to $100 for as long as he is on disability; MSC (moved by Graves) to grant resignations in good standing to Chargois, Wethey, and LaCross subject to collection of costs already incurred by Local for the first quarter of 2003.

Business: MSC to schedule next meeting on February 7, 2003 at 11:00 am. Verification of e-mail polls: MSC to allow Island Opera to make an archival taping; MSC to send Rochelle Skolnick to EMF meeting in Chicago. MSC (moved by Apana) to move reserve funds into Vanguard Intermediate Term Bond Index Fund at maturation of CD. MSC (moved by Apana) to appoint Apana, Harp, and J Carswell to Health Insurance Plan Review Committee to review potential health insurance plans and report back to the Executive Board with a recommendation. MSC (moved by Graves) to purchase one seat at AFLCIO Legislative Breakfast. Extended discussion of Strauss Orchestra of America recent services and possible filing of charges; MSC (moved by Roitstein) to file charges against A Grossman for violation of Bylaws resulting from his involvement in the event and to tentatively schedule Trial Board appearance for February 7. Roitstein suggests that in future events such as this that the Local not rely on e-mail as sole means of communication with members and explore creating a phone tree or other alternate means of mass communication.

Meeting adjourned at  2:09 pm.