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Executive Board Meeting Number 02-13, 13 December 2002 at 11:30 am Meeting called to order at 11:48 AM. Present: Graves, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Luger, Raimondi, Roitstein; absent: Jefferson; on vacation: Fox. MSC to approve minutes as amended and new members. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, bank balance data, website statistics, 2002 accomplishments and 2003 goals, and master plan status report. Apana noted that 2003 annual dues transactions have been processed, a local contractor list has been compiled, and that expulsions have been reduced from 97 in 2001 to less than 44 for 2002. VP Report: no report. President’s Report: One grievance regarding a brass quintet service is pending with the FPO. Discussion of FGO request for reduction in New Years Eve premium for fundraiser concert; MSC (moved by Harp) to reduce premium to 150% (Raimondi, Luger, Roitstein opposed; Graves breaks tie). PBO has ratified sideletter and a new orchestra committee has been elected; MSC to contribute $380 toward PBO ROPA Dues (moved by Graves). Draft of letter to PBP musicians presented. Discussion of Strauss Orchestra of Americas event contracted by A Grossman; MSC (moved by Graves) to inform members that they are expected to play this engagement only under an AFM contract, at union scale (with a reduction in New Years Eve premium to 150%) or may face possible charges. MCS has set season dates. Discussion of nonunion KWS and filing charges against members who work for KWS below scale. Black Tie has sent response letter. MSC (moved by Graves) to grant Island Opera (Key West) request for small budget scale. R Persi will be contracting CGP event in January. A potential health plan for members is being reviewed. Report of Committees: none. Correspondence: Receipt of correspondence from A Rincon, J Brand, F Nelson, M Corey. MSC (moved by Apana) to extend payment of delinquent dues up to 6 months for members with financial hardship, on approval of 2 officers (including the Secretary-Treasurer). MSC (moved by Apana) to waive Rincon late fee. MSC (moved by Graves) to waive up to 1 years dues for Brand following his expulsion, due to miscommunication, thus granting him life membership. Business: Discussion of AFM symphonic recording meeting in Chicago in January; MSC (moved by Apana) to authorize up to $500 to send Graves to meeting. Discussion of 2003 budget proposal; MSC (moved by Luger) to adopt budget as amended. Discussion of wage scale amendments (due to lack of quorum at November 2002 membership meeting); motion by Harp to strike amendments to mileage reimbursement (failed for lack of a second); MSC (moved by Graves) to strike rounding of doubles for Shows; motion by Harp to strike increase in symphonic break (Raimondi, Ballard, Luger against; Apana abstained; motion fails). MSC to adopt wage scales as amended. MSC (moved by Ballard) to appoint E Kerley to Education Committee. Discussion of GCO request for archival and grant video use; MSC (moved by Harp) to approve subject to musician ratification. Discussion of GCO use of student musicians; MSC (moved by Graves) to invite Cavendish to Board meeting to discuss. Discussion of Ballet Etudes parking reimbursement. MSC (moved by Apana) to authorize up to $250 for purchase of website calendar software. MSC (moved by Apana) to recognize those who have been members of 655 for 50 or more years at a future membership meeting and have Apana investigate possible awards to present to them. MSC to schedule next meeting on January 9, 2003 at noon. Meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm. |