Executive Board Meeting Number 02-10, 9 September 2002 at 12:00 noon

Meeting called to order at 12:24 AM. Present: Graves, Fox, Apana, Ballard, Harp, Jefferson, Luger, Raimondi; absent: Roitstein. MSC to approve minutes and new members.

VP Report: receipt of written report. Fox will be observing Rocio Durcal sessions this week. MTV awards will be presented at TOPA on October 24. Ballard notes that an article by Rene Barge was recently published in the Miami Herald.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: presentation of activities log, expense report, membership rolls, and bank balance data. Apana notes that 25 members have been suspended and charges for failure to pay work dues have been filed against 6 AFM members. Discussion of replacement of copy machine; Board directs Apana to continue research on network printers in the $1000 range.

President’s Report: FPO auditions are pending due to unavailability of Music Director; tour language is being negotiated; concertmaster grievance and schedule issues have been resolved. FGO may rebroadcast recordings. BPO bankruptcy issues still pending. PBO sideletter issues have been resolved and PBO musicians will be performing MPTF concerts in schools; issues regarding Artistic Director are currently being addressed. Discussion of appointment of MCS steward; Board agrees to solicit player input. CRPC engagement reporting issues have been cleaned up. Graves has met with theater musicians and will be videoconferencing with ClearChannel management Friday; discussion of theater negotiations and union proposal. Discussion of CGP; MSC (moved by Ballard) to allow them to use last year’s $109 rate for upcoming production of Urban Cowboy. Discussion of American Life mailing.

The Board recessed at 1:53 and resumed at 2:00.

Report of Committees: Luger notes that press release for membership drive will be prepared shortly. Graves notes concern over Scale Committee appointments; Jefferson notes that a Presidential Scale Committee would undermine efforts of existing scale committee; Apana notes that we have been soliciting nominees for all committees since at least February. Raimondi reports on progress in creating orientations for new orchestra members. Apana reports that Bylaw Committee has met twice and will be holding several more meetings before making a report.

Communications: Receipt of communications from Shumate regarding recruitment incentives, Mancini regarding expelled members and the membership drive, and Lee regarding schools supplying student musicians to undercut and replace professional musicians.

Business: MSC (moved by Apana for Roitstein) to appoint Levin, Calle, and Oliva to Recording Committee; Gnagy-Skolnick (by Raimondi) to Symphonic Committee; Chandler (by Ballard) to Education Committee; and to confirm Cotman appointment to Scale Committee. Jefferson departs at 2:36. Discussion of negotiating committee resolution; MSC (moved by Apana) that all 655 negotiating committees shall consist of two Local Officers and a committee of elected rank-and-file members of the respective bargaining unit. Discussion of Black Tie dispute; MSC (moved by Apana as presented by Graves) to hold recording fees in abeyance should the video operator confirm that a tape was not made, subject to Black Tie 1) filing AFM contracts for future engagements; 2) exercising due diligence over future recordings made; 3) giving first right of refusal to musicians who performed July 4 engagement; 4) paying Symphonic Scale for similar future engagements; and 5) paying up to 200% in fees and penalties should a recording of the July 4 engagement be found and used for any purpose. Discussion of idea (presented by Apana) for organizing seminar hosted by Local. Discussion of making presentation at interdisciplinary arts program at Nova University (presented by Raimondi). MSC to schedule next Board meeting for October 11 at 11:00am.

Meeting adjourned at 3:09 pm.