Executive Board Meeting Number 01-7, 19 September 2001

Meeting called to order at 11:42 AM .  Present: Graves , Fox, Apana, Ballard, Barge, Barnes, and guests Jake Luger and Tina Raimondi. MSC to approve minutes of 7/16 meeting and new members.

Treasurer’s report: presentation of activities log, expenses for prior month, membership rolls, and bank balance data. Report on research regarding digital copier and payroll service. Ballard arrives at 11:56 . MSC to continue research on purchasing copier and to survey members regarding sending newsletter via e-mail. Calle arrives at 12:13 and Scafati arrives at 12: 17 .

VP Report: $750,000 on contracts YTD. STAR Campaign success will impact Local positively. Fox has met with jingle producers and will hold a roundtable to brainstorm concerns. Fox has met with musicians in preparation for upcoming phono negotiations. Discussion of late payments for recording sessions.

MSC to Suspend the Rules to discuss Executive Board vacancy. MSC to appoint Tina Raimondi to f ill the balance of Bahler’s term.

President’s report: Discussion of FPO recordings, KWP video variance. PBO librarian issue still open. BPO has appointed new personnel manager.

Committee reports: Presentation and discussion of Bylaw Committee Report. MSC to adopt the following recommendations: office clerk language, vacation time, student membership, wage scale amendments. MSC to adopt the following recommendations with amendments: Nomination and Election Dates (adding “full” between “third” and “calendar week”), Budget (striking the language “They shall also approve all non-budget expenses”). Motion to adopt Minimum Officer Office Hours recommendation; motion failed (For-Fox, Apana; against- Ballard, Barge, Barnes, Calle, Raimondi, Scafati). Motion to adopt Symphonic Rep recommendation; motion failed (unanimously against).

Communications: Receipt of communications from new AFM officers; summary of AFM Bylaw amendments; notice of appointment of Galassi to head SSD and new AFM-EPF Trustees. Receipt of request from Hagen ; MSC to grant $15 travel rate for Florida Classical services for 2001-2 season.

Old/new business: Discussion of motions to amend Officers’ salaries; MSC to collect information regarding salaries at other Locals, history of current salaries, budgetary constraints, etc. and to report at the next Board meeting. MSC to break for 10 minutes at 1:56 . Fox and Calle depart.

MSC to waive 3rd Quarter Dues for M Knight due to illness. MSC to request costs incurred by Local prior to resignation of D Bickel as clearance fee. MSC to waive late fees for L Noyes and S Bidner if semiannual dues are paid by 12/31, due to hardship. MSC to waive semiannual dues for B Ford if he is still unable to work. MSC to deny D Burns request for addresses of members. MSC to authorize $50 for FLARA luncheon on 10/16. MSC to grant request to use prorated rate for additional ½-hour of rehearsal time for a Miami Symphonic Services rehearsal at Knight Center 9/01. Receipt of correspondence from G Walters regarding raising dues mid-year. MSC to authorize ICSOM conference per diem and shuttle charges but not excess baggage charges for delegate Bertolet. Scafati departs at 2:28 . Confirmation of e-mail poll to waive L Rivera dues in exchange for translation services and to authorize $75 purchase of club database. MSC to authorize $3000 strike fund expense. MSC to waive outstanding balance of E Busteed in light of his transfer to the Ft. Worth Local. MSC to establish a rate for officer/staff mileage for travel on official business outside of the office, at Local 655 wage scale rates.

Meeting adjourned at 2:40pm .