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Executive Board Meeting Number 00-9,
25 October 2000 Meeting called to order at 12:43 am. In attendance: Graves, Fox, Apana,
Bahler, Ballard, Barnes, Scafati; Barge on leave of absence; Singer absent. Reading of Minutes. MSC to approve minutes. VP Fox reported that over $866,000 in wages YTD on recording contracts
has come through the Local; she is currently working out some problems with
Desmobile. Treasurer’s Report: Discussion of depleted financial reserves due to
increased legal expenses for FPO negotiations and grievances. Assistance from
the AFM has been received and we will request a Per Capita waiver for 4th
quarter of 2000. President’s Report: Discussion of FPO strike: what was learned and
how to fix what went wrong. Bahler suggested a benefit concert for the Local.
Discussion of maintaining contacts with media members that were sympathetic to
the musicians. SFX negotiations have been scheduled for 11/4, 11/10, and
11/14-15. Old Business: MSC to approve Low Budget Symphonic Scale for Gold Coast
Opera. MSC to grant waivers of LIF for recently appointed FPO members. New Business: MSC to commend Kurt Hagen and Joe Ferrer for their
actions regarding the FGO and the FPO striking musicians. Scafati mentions that
musicians at the Riverside in Vero Beach are interested in participating in the
AFM-EPF; MSC to have Graves work out an agreement with them. Graves mentions
that the Clematis Theater is interested in a Union contract; MSC to have Graves
work out an agreement. Apana notes that C. Reese and R. Elvira have requested a
waiver of reinstatement fees because their semiannual dues checks were lost in
the mail; MSC to grant waiver. MSC to waive outstanding dues for the following
resigned members because of confusion regarding the receipt of their written
resignation request: S. Pal, A. Drelinger, M. Pollack. MSC to institute a policy
of suspending members that are more than 90 days delinquent in paying work dues.
Discussion of privacy policy. Scafati departs at 2:15. Discussion of dues
outstanding from the MCS. MSC to host the April FL-GA Conference. MSC to waive
2001 Annual Dues for Jake Luger in lieu of making his salary increase
retroactive. Bahler departs at 2:36. Discussion of 5-year plan. Meeting was adjourned at 2:38 pm. |