Symphonic Committee Report April 23, 2007
In attendance: Satterwhite, Raimondi, Salsbury,
Roitstein and Chandler. Later in attendance were Apana and Ballard as
requested by committee.
Discussion of necessity of symphonic rep
position-definitely important
Better and more communication between committee
and reps
review reps proposal to follow up on goals
and priorities
include reps in all committee's emails
reps monthly reports emailed to committee
Reps would like our input on official stance of
Cleveland residency; forward to executive board for media purposes
including ICSOM and ROPA
Committee to guide reps on priorities, for
example, specific groups, hot button issues
Make BRSP a priority. Legitimize through union
contracts and pension. Apana reported that Kaye is not returning phone
calls/emails; obviously Kaye very unorganized. Apana suggests that
musicians regularly ask Kaye to file contracts and pay pension.
Committee suggests reps attempt contact with Kaye one more time and if
no response let Kaye know that reps plan to go ahead and talk to board
inviting Kaye to meeting.
Discussion of Merce Cunningham issue. Following
info from Apana and Ballard: Ballard questioned Hagen regarding his
knowledge of MENC code of ethics, timing of booking, when FIU put job
on syllabus, questioning validity of whether job was side by side.
Hagen's paraphrased answers: scholarship offered to FIU by Merce
Cunningham to play concerts and MC called it a 'side by side' concert.
Rehearsals/performances appeared on FIU syllabus in January. Hagen
started booking in February. After gathering details Apana and Ballard
had meeting with interim Dean of Fine Arts at FIU. Dean was unaware of
situation and will not let in happen again and will pass on info to
incoming Dean. Discussed MENC code of ethics. Dean invited reps to give
future presentation to students and faculty.
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