Bylaw Committee Report, September 2001The Bylaw Committee met September 11-18 and recommended the following amendments to the Bylaws: RECOMMENDATION: Remove Office Clerk Language Article IX. Section 2. (b) A
printed ballot
prepared by the Election Committee will be presented at the polls to
each member
in good standing who shall sign a roster of eligible voters prepared by
Article IX. Section 2. (d) All
offices of the
Local shall be closed on election day and shall remain closed
throughout the
entire time that the polls are open. No
member or officer of Local 655 shall have access to, or be permitted
use of any
part of Local business offices and/or any of their facilities except
that part
of the Local Headquarters designated as the polling area. The RECOMMENDATION: Nomination and Election Dates Article IX Section 1 (b)
Nominations for all
officers and delegates to Conventions and Conferences of the AFM shall
be held
biennially during the third [calendar] week
of September of each odd numbered year at a special membership meeting
for that
purpose alone. The meeting shall be
held at the local headquarters or a central location approved by the Article IX Section 2 (a)
Elections for all officers and the third and alternate
delegate to
Conventions and Conferences of AFM shall be held biennially during the
[calendar] week in November of each odd
numbered year at the local headquarters or a central location approved
by the RECOMMENDATION: Vacation Time Article VII Section 6. Any
officer or staff member
engaged by the local shall be entitled to two weeks annual paid
vacation. [In
their third and fourth years of service, they shall be entitled to
three weeks
annual paid vacation.] In their fifth and following years of service,
they shall
be entitled to [four] RECOMMENDATION: Officer Office Hours NEW SUBSECTION: Article VII
Section 2(m) The
President shall be required to maintain a minimum of 15 office hours
per week
during normal business hours. NEW SUBSECTION: Article VII
Section 3(g) The Vice
President shall be required to maintain a minimum of 10 office hours
per week
during normal business hours. NEW SUBSECTION: Article VII
Section 4(l) The
Secretary-Treasurer shall be required to maintain a minimum of 5 office
per week during normal business hours. RECOMMENDATION: Budget Article VII Section 5 (k) The RECOMMENDATION: Student Membership ARTICLE V Section 1. Any
RECOMMENDATION: Wage Scale Amendments ARTICLE XIII Section 1. The RECOMMENDATION: Symphonic Rep Article VII Section 2(g)
He/She shall have authority with the approval of the Article VII Section 2(h) Article VII Section 2(l) NEW Section 1. The Local shall employ Business
Representatives to represent Symphonic and other Musicians. NEW Section 2. Business Representatives shall be
appointed by a majority vote of the Section 3. Wages and hours of Business
Representatives shall be set by the NEW Section 4. DUTIES OF SYMPHONIC REPRESENTATIVE. He/she
meet with the Orchestra Committee of each orchestra having a collective
bargaining agreement with Local 655 in order to maintain a direct line
communication between Local 655 and these orchestras. Such
meetings shall take place not less than once every two months during
each orchestras’ season. |