Bylaw Committee Meeting, 14 September 2002 

The Bylaw Committee met on Saturday, September 14, 2002, 1:08 p.m., at the office of the Local, 2725 Hollywood Boulevard.  Present: Chairman Jeff Apana, Kurt Hagen, Katrenna Johnson, Tony Toran, and Scott Whitney.

The minutes of the September 7th meeting were distributed to committee members by email.  Scott Whitney moved to correct the minutes (page 3, paragraph 6) to reflect Chairman Apana’s motion that Article V, Section 1., (a), read “The Local initiation fee...”  The minutes were then approved as corrected.

Chairman Apana presented a proposed revision of the Local’s Articles of Incorporation, Article III, as follows:

“The membership of this corporation shall consist of all performers on musical instruments of any kind and vocalists, or other individuals who render musical services of any kind for pay any person of good moral character and repute, sixteen years of age or over, who follows music as a profession, or who cultivates the art as an amateur, providing such applicant is a citizen of the United States or Canada, or an alien eligible for employment has declared intentions of becoming such by filing of naturalization papers, and further provided such applicant has complied with all the provisions of the By Laws, both of Local 655 and of the American Federation of Musicians, relating to membership.”

Chairman Apana moved to recommend to the Executive Board that these changes be made at the earliest convenience.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana presented six additional rights of members, and moved to add them to Article IV, Section 1. as follows:

  • “To obtain a copy of collective bargaining agreements and all letters of understanding agreed to by the Local.” A motion by Katrenna Johnson to insert “related” after “and all” was adopted by unanimous consent.  It was then added (as amended) as Article IV, Section 1., (e) by unanimous consent.
  • “To inspect minutes and financial records of the Local and obtain copies of minutes, subject to reasonable costs.”  Added as Article IV, Section 1., (f) by unanimous consent.
  • “To inspect the status of all grievances.”  A motion by Scott Whitney to amend by striking “inspect” and inserting “be informed of” was adopted by unanimous consent.  It was then added (as amended) as Article IV, Section 1., (g) by unanimous consent.
  • “To vote by secret ballot on all contracts and binding agreements with management.”  After discussion, withdrawn without objection.
  • “To report violations of wage scales and bylaws without fear of retaliation.”  After discussion, withdrawn without objection.
  • “To elect members of respective bargaining units to represent them in negotiations of collective bargaining agreements.”  Added as Article IV, Section 1., (h) by unanimous consent.

Continuing with Bylaw Draft #3

Scott Whitney presented a written proposal for Article V and Article VI. 

Article V, Section 2., (d) and (e), add “(due date)”; adopted by unanimous consent.

Proposed Article V, Section 2., (f) Late Fees; adopted by unanimous consent.

In proposed Article V, Section 3., Kurt Hagen moved to strike “30” in (b) and (c) and insert “21.”  The motion was adopted.  Proposed Article V, Section 3., (a), (b), and (c) was then adopted (as amended) by unanimous consent.  Chairman Apana to get more information regarding AFM Bylaws requirement for payment of work dues “no later than the 15th day of the month following the month during which the services were performed.”

Discussion of Article V, Section 3., (d) (fines for non-payment of work dues).  It was decided Chairman Apana would request more information from the International Representative regarding allowable Local fines.

Chairman Apana moved to amend the previously adopted proposed Article V, Section 3., (a), by striking “Symphonic.”  The motion was adopted unanimously.

Scott Whitney moved to strike Article V, Section 4. CASUAL WORK DUES CREDITS.  The motion was lost.

A motion by Kurt Hagen to strike Article V, Section 5., (b) and (c) was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Katrenna Johnson to strike the last sentence in Article V, Section 5., (d) was adopted by unanimous consent.

Proposed Article V, Section 6. was adopted by unanimous consent.

In proposed Article VI, Section 1. and Section 2., Kurt Hagen moved to strike “annual.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Kurt Hagen to amend proposed Article VI, Section 1., by striking “30 days” and inserting “one month” was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Kurt Hagen to amend proposed Article VI, Section 2., by striking “120 days” and inserting “four months” was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Kurt Hagen to amend proposed Article VI, Section 3., by striking “President” and inserting “Local” was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Kurt Hagen to amend proposed Article VI, Section 4., (a) by striking “according” and inserting “subject” was adopted by unanimous consent.

A motion by Chairman Apana to amend proposed Article VI, Section 4., (b), 3., by striking “$30.00” and inserting “$40.00” was adopted.

Scott Whitney distributed copies of proposed changes to Article VII for consideration at the next committee meeting.

The next meeting of the Bylaw Committee is Saturday, September 21, 2002, 1:00 p.m. at the Local offices, 2725 Hollywood Boulevard.

The meeting adjourned at  4:15 p.m.