Bylaw Committee Meeting, 7 September 2002 

The Bylaw Committee met on Saturday, September 7, 2002, 1:12 p.m., at the office of the Local, 2725 Hollywood Boulevard.  Present: Chairman Jeff Apana, Kurt Hagen, Katrenna Johnson, Tony Toran, and Scott Whitney.

The minutes of the August 29th meeting were distributed to committee members by email.  Kurt Hagen moved to correct the minutes by striking, “and 8” from the first sentence of paragraph five.  The minutes were then adopted as corrected.

Scott Whitney suggested the minutes be posted on the Local’s website only after they have been approved by the committee.

The secretary distributed Bylaw Draft #2b to committee members by email, which incorporated all proposed changes made at the August 29th meeting.

Continuing with Bylaw Draft #2b

The heading of Article II, Section 1. was changed from “Mission” to “Object” by unanimous consent.

The first letters of subsections (a) through (d) in Article II, Section 1., were changed to lower case by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to substitute for Article III, Section 2., (a), the following:  “Applicants for membership who are current or former members of the Federation are subject to appropriate provisions of the Bylaws of the Federation.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to amend Article III, Section 2., (d), by striking, “as per the Federation approved application form.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

After discussion of Article III, Section 5. Youth Membership, it was decided to recommend deleting any reference to age in the Local’s Articles of Incorporation (Article III).  Apana to draft a new article for discussion at the next meeting.

Chairman Apana moved to amend Article III, by striking Section 5., (b) and Section 6., (b). The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to amend Article III, Section 6., by adding, “(c) Student members shall pay regular periodic dues and work dues, but shall not pay Local or Federation initiation fees.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to amend Article III, Section 5., (a), by striking, “and remain in that classification until their 21st birthday.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Scott Whitney presented a written proposal of changes in the structure and content of Articles IV and V.  Kurt Hagen moved that the proposal be adopted as the basic framework for discussion.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

After discussion, it was decided not to change the heading of Article IV from, “Rights and Duties of Members,” to “Rights and Responsibilities of Members.”

Katrenna Johnson moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 1., (a), by striking 1. through 5.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Katrenna Johnson moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 1., (a), by inserting, “To participate in membership” before “meetings.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Katrenna Johnson moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 1., by striking (b) and (c).  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Katrenna Johnson moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 1., (e), by striking “invite” and inserting “recruit.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to strike Section 1., (g) from proposed Article IV, and insert it in Article XIV – Engagements.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Katrenna Johnson moved to add to proposed Article IV, Section 1., “Members shall have the right to:” and to adjust the grammar of succeeding subsections.  After discussion, the motion was postponed indefinitely by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., by inserting “the interests of members, or” after “detrimental to.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to strike proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c) Engagements, and to adjust succeeding sections. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c), 1., by striking “an engagement” and inserting “engagements.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Katrenna Johnson moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c), 3., by inserting “all” before “engagements.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c), by striking number 4.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c), by striking number 5. and number 6. from Article IV, and moving them to Article XIV – Engagements.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (c), 7., by striking “(gratis).”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent

Chairman Apana moved to substitute for proposed Article IV, Section 2., (e), the following: “To not render services for organizations, establishments, or persons on the International Unfair List.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Chairman Apana moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (g), by striking “a change of address” and inserting “changes in address, telephone number, email address, and other contact information.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

Kurt Hagen moved to amend proposed Article IV, Section 2., (h), by striking “proper authorities” and inserting “Local.”  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

After discussion, it was decided to strike Section 10. and Section 12. under Rights and Duties of Members in the current bylaws.

After discussion, it was decided to move Section 19. from Rights and Duties of Members, to Engagements.

Chairman Apana moved to amend proposed Article V by rewriting Section 1. as follows: 

“(a) The local initiation fee shall be $50.00.

  (b) New Federation members may be subject to Federation initiation fees.

  (c) Student and Youth members are exempt from initiation fees.”

The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

 Kurt Hagen moved to amend proposed Article V, Section 2., as follows:

            Section 2., insert “Annual” before “Membership Dues;”

            In (a) through (e), strike “Membership” and insert “Annual;”

            Strike “membership” in (e), 1. and 2.

The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.

The next meeting of the Bylaws Committee is Saturday, September 14, 2002, 1:00 p.m. at the Local offices, 2725 Hollywood Boulevard.

The meeting adjourned at  4:35 p.m.