Last Month at the Local

Insurance Plans Available Again The AFM has new group insurance plans available to members. Under a new agreement with HUB/Insureon, members will have access to instrument insurance, liability insurance, and other policies similar to what used to be available under the canceled agreement with Mercer/AMBA. For information, please see Director Reskin Stepping Down Director READ MORE

Membership Benefits

Maintaining the Symphonic Legacyby Nathan Kahn, Negotiator, AFM Symphonic Services A few years ago, musicians crossed an AFM picket line to replace striking Atlanta Ballet musicians. When this happens, there is the expected outcry of “how could these people do this; don’t they know any better?” We then begin to ask ourselves what more can READ MORE

That Union Thing

Eight hundred warehouse workers in Toronto are the first Walmart employees to be represented by a union. They began organizing a year ago, over issues including low pay, pressure to work dangerously fast, workplace accidents, and high indoor temperatures. Boeing machinists have ended a 53-day strike with a new contract that raises wages 38 percent. READ MORE

Local and Industry News

70 percent of Cuyahoga County (OH) voters approved increasing cigarette taxes to support the arts in the recent election. A 30-cent per pack tax was about to expire and voters approved increasing the tax to 70-cents per pack and extending the tax to 2035. Since 2007 this tax has raised nearly $250 million in support READ MORE

Official Business

At the October 29, 2024 membership meeting, members voted to adopt the proposed amendments to the wage scales. The increases will take effect on June 1, 2025, June 1 2026, and June 1, 2027. An updated wage scale booklet will be available shortly, as will an updated wage scale chart on the website. Please contact READ MORE