Last Month at the Local

Our new Executive Board has been installed and had its first meeting last month, and new energy on the Board is apparent. Look for a musician survey to be launched soon, where musicians in the community can give input on what issues need to be addressed. The Board also began filling our standing committees…if you READ MORE

Membership Benefits

Unions and Professional Athletes A union for professional athletes? Why would someone making huge sums of money need a union? In fact, actors, doctors, performing artists, and athletes are union members in higher percentages than other occupations. Major League baseball players, possibly one of the most exploited groups of workers, began their quest for union READ MORE

That Union Thing

The Biden administration has issued new rules aimed to prevent misclassification of employees as independent contractors. The new rule considers six criteria in evaluating employee status. In addition to control over workers and “entrepreneurial opportunity,” the new rule also evaluates whether special skills are required, the permanence of the relationship, and the investment made by READ MORE

Local and Industry News

The Stage Directors and Choreographers Society has reached an agreement with the Broadway League to have associate directors and choreographers covered under their collective bargaining agreement. The associates were one of the few groups on Broadway not covered by a union contract, and the League granted them voluntary recognition. They will now received health and READ MORE

Last Month at the Local

At our November membership meeting Elena Alamilla and Lucian Williams were nominated to fill the vacancy for Director of the 2024-26 term of office. As a result of the mail-ballot election that was conducted on December 15, 2023, Lucian Williams was elected to fill the position, and will take office on the first business day READ MORE