Florida has nearly doubled funding for the arts, from $58 million to $93.9 million. However, the vast majority of this amount is allocated for member projects, and the grants overseen by the Division of Cultural Affairs has dropped from $43.3 million to $32 million. The member projects includes $1 million for design of the Center for READ MORE


Palm Beach Opera Orchestra David Stern, Chief Conductor Announces tenure-track vacancies for: Auditions: June 10-12, 2024 Please email a single-page resume by May 24 to jbarbato[at]pbopera[dot]org. Further instructions and repertoire will be sent after resume submission. A limited number of highly qualified applicants will be invited to audition at the Bailey Opera Center in West Palm Beach, FL. The READ MORE

Official Business

Membership Meeting Scheduled Please mark your calendars now! 2023 Financial Reports Last year’s financial reports are now available in the Members’ Section: http://www.afm655.org/members/financialreports.php

Last Month at the Local

Thank you to the nearly 100 musicians that participated in the South Florida Musician Survey. The results are in, and they are not surprising. The greatest concerns that musicians have are job security, pay rates, and finding enough work to make a living. There were also frequent complaints that musicians work at the whim of READ MORE

Membership Benefits

AFM Entertainment, the AFM’s Online Booking and Referral Service AFM Entertainment is accepting registrations from AFM members who are solo artists or leaders of self-contained bands and ensembles. AFM Entertainment, our online booking and referral service, will handle all communications with a potential purchaser (e.g. the father of the bride). Every gig will be a READ MORE