New, Reinstated, and Resigned members for January 2024: New Members: Reinstated Members: none Resigned Members: Deceased Members: none
Author: webmaster
Last Month at the Local
At our November membership meeting Elena Alamilla and Lucian Williams were nominated to fill the vacancy for Director of the 2024-26 term of office. As a result of the mail-ballot election that was conducted on December 15, 2023, Lucian Williams was elected to fill the position, and will take office on the first business day READ MORE
Official Business
2024 Annual Dues Now Payable: Please send your checks before the end of January to avoid late fees or suspension of membership. You may also make semiannual payments by paying half in January and half in July. Please contact the office if you have questions or need more time to pay, and please send checks READ MORE
Membership Benefits
The Federation is integrally involved with three societies that collect and distribute royalties to musicians. Only one of these societies–the AFM and AFTRA Intellectual Property Rights Distribution Fund–is dedicated to serving the needs of session musicians. It is the organization with the longest name, the leanest staff, and the toughest mission, and it is probably READ MORE
That Union Thing
United Teachers of Dade will have to go through the process of recertifying its right to represent teachers thanks to Senate Bill 256, which just went into effect. Under the law, public unions can no longer offer payroll deduction for payment of union dues; they must bill members and members must send in payment. The READ MORE
Local and Industry News
The Metropolitan King County Council (Seattle, WA) has approved new funding for the arts. “Doors Open” is a 0.01 percent sales tax increase that will support local nonprofit organizations and provide free access to programs for youth, seniors, and others. The tax is expected to generate $72 million next year and $100 million the following READ MORE