Last Month at the Local

Last month the scale committee met again to finalize a proposal; you can see the proposal in Official Business and the October meeting notice. The committee reviewed past scale increases, inflation statistics, and rates in comparable metropolitan areas in the south and came up with what they believe is a reasonable proposal. As cost of living increases, musicians need to remember their worth and ask for reasonable wage increases; if we don’t ask, we will not receive. As professionals, we need to support ourselves and our families and cannot expect to be paid the same rate year after year. Members, please attend our October meeting and voice your opinion!

As you may have read in the most recent International Musician, as of September 1 the AFM has secured a new company to provide insurance products to our members. This means liability insurance will now be available again at group rates. The AFM is currently designing a web portal for information and application processing, which should launch shortly. We know members have been asking since the beginning of the year for liability insurance policies through the AFM and are happy to announce that policies will again be available.

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