Last Month at the Local

Last month the Palm Beach Opera audition committees participated in auditions for violin, viola, and cello.

The auditions were observed by Secretary-Treasurer Apana and VP Fuller to make sure everything went smoothly and all rules were followed. We are happy to report that there will be three new member of the Palm Beach Opera Orchestra: violinists Asa Skelton and Charlotte Loukola and violist Greg Luce. Unfortunately there was no winner for the cello audition. Thanks to Jeff Adkins, Ruby Berland, Chris Glansdorp, Karen Hebermehl, Scott Rawls, Dale Sandvold, and Emma Steele for serving on the audition committees!

Secretary-Treasurer Apana also participated in officer training provided by the AFM in Austin, TX. The training included workshops on implicit bias training, grievance handling, and on electronic media agreements. Immediately after the training Apana, as well as President Hawley, attended the AFM Southern Conference of Locals meeting, also in Austin. At the meeting were presentations on communication practices, organizing, and Local-building, as well as a presentation by the Texas AFLCIO on race and the economy. A lot of information was shared between all of the officers of the AFM Locals in the southern region.